
Week 12 - Improvements for our final product

Week 12 - Improvements for our final product

This week we continued to improve our product based on the feedbacks and prepared for the Trade Show. We combined all materials together and tested the unexpected errors for our prototype.

For the design and front-end part:

1. We removed the introduction paragraph on the front page and the container of the logo.

2. We redesigned the timeline button and made it trackable.

3. We improved the visual effect of the quiz page and added the correct answer for users

4. We fixed the response problem of navigation bar.
5. We improved the visual effect of all pages to make sure consistency.

For the back-end part:

1. We fixed some small errors and bugs.
2. We modified the data that is retrieved from Trove to control the length of the text.

For the Trade Show:

We prepared the brochures and old maps for the trade show. The brochures detailed introduce our web application for users and we would like to get some useful feedbacks to improve the final product.

