
Week 6 -- Experience in the Poster & Pitch

This week we presented our design proposal. Our project is a website for shipwrecks. We got many useful feedbacks from other teams and tutors and we will consider these feedbacks to improve our project.


1. We finished designing UI for our web application mostly.
2. We began to decided what we would use for front-end and back-end.
3. We began to build frame for our web application

We would like to gather the specific feedbacks from users:

1. How users feel about our existing UI.
2. Please give some suggestions about functions.


  • Entry page should have one sentence to explain our website (Easy to implement)
  • The map should focus on Australia rather than the whole word (Implement)
  • Considering how easy to find information (Add searching box)
  • Using story to tell information
  • Pin journey to ships (Difficult to implement)
  • More information from other websites

1 条评论:

  1. Hi Yijiao,

    Please make sure you update your blog ASAP to reflect on the course up till the current week.
