
Week 8 -- Prepare Presentation for Progress Demonstration

Week 8 -- Prepare Presentation for Progress Demonstration

This week we continued to improve our project. Based on the feedback of paper prototype, we chosen some suitable ideas to improve our idea as well.

Firstly, for the design aspect, we decided a interaction plan to help our group to implement the whole project. Our web application is very simple and easy to use, and the logical of interaction is very clearly.

Secondly, for the front page, we nearly finished our front-end based on html, CSS and JQery. We have already built the basic function for the front-end.

Thirdly, based on our schedule, we continued to develop our back-end. We can load the location marker on Google map dynamically and connected the Trove API successfully.

Fourthly, we designed a success criteria to help us to do the user test.

Then we combined all materials together and prepared our presentation with Powerpoint. 

