
Week 7 -- Paper Prototype

Week 7 -- Paper Prototype

This week we prepared paper prototype for our project -- Atlantis shipwrecks searcher website. We tested our prototype in the class and got many useful feedbacks. Our group prepared the tasks for users and observation goals for ourselves. We observed users workflow and users behavior with our prototype. Most users can find shipwreck information by themselves and thought our prototype was easy to interact. 

Tasks for user:
1. Using timeline to search shipwrecks information
2. Clearly know how to interact with the Google Maps
3. Successful gain detailed information.

Observation Goals:
1. How users handle with the navigation bar and hatch
2. How users get the accurate information on the target page.

3. How users feel about the UI and interactive plan.


1. Some students pointed that the front page should have an information button to help users to understand our web.
2. The button of timeline is a little bit confusing, some users thought that the timeline can be used to search for a specific year. 
3. Most of users were suggesting that we could add a function to share information to the social platform, such as Facebook.
4. One suggest was that we could add different languages for users.
5. For the front page, users suggested that it could be loaded automatically instead of clicking button.

